Agreement on Agriculture Export Subsidies

The Agreement on Agriculture Export Subsidies: What You Need to Know

Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in the global economy. It provides food, fiber, and fuel to millions of people around the world. However, agricultural trade is not without its challenges. One of the most contentious issues in agricultural trade is the use of export subsidies. These subsidies are provided by governments to their domestic producers in order to help them compete in global markets. However, they can also distort trade and hurt other producers. That`s why the World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiated the Agreement on Agriculture Export Subsidies in 2015.

What are export subsidies?

Export subsidies are financial incentives provided by governments to their domestic producers for exporting their products. They may take various forms, such as direct payments, price support programs, or tax exemptions. Export subsidies are meant to help domestic producers compete in global markets by reducing the cost of their products. However, they can also have negative effects on other producers in the global market by distorting trade and leading to overproduction.

What is the Agreement on Agriculture Export Subsidies?

The Agreement on Agriculture Export Subsidies is a multilateral trade agreement negotiated by the WTO in Nairobi, Kenya, in December 2015. It aims to eliminate subsidies that are directly linked to export performance. The agreement has been hailed as a major breakthrough in global agricultural trade, as it addresses one of the most contentious issues in agricultural trade. The agreement is part of the broader Doha Development Agenda, which seeks to promote development through trade.

What are the key provisions of the Agreement on Agriculture Export Subsidies?

Under the agreement, WTO members have committed to phasing out their export subsidies for agricultural products. Developed countries are required to eliminate their export subsidies immediately, while developing countries have until 2023 to do so. The agreement also contains provisions for reducing tariffs and non-tariff barriers, as well as for increasing market access for agricultural products.

What are the benefits of the Agreement on Agriculture Export Subsidies?

The Agreement on Agriculture Export Subsidies is expected to have several benefits for global agricultural trade. First, it will help level the playing field for producers in developing countries, who have often been disadvantaged by the use of export subsidies by developed countries. Second, it will reduce the distortionary effects of export subsidies on global trade. Third, it will provide greater market access for agricultural products by reducing tariffs and non-tariff barriers. Finally, it will promote sustainable development by encouraging more efficient and environmentally friendly production methods.


The Agreement on Agriculture Export Subsidies is a major step forward in global agricultural trade. By eliminating export subsidies, WTO members have taken a significant step towards a more level playing field for all agricultural producers. The agreement is expected to have many benefits, including increased market access, reduced distortionary effects, and greater sustainability. As the world`s population continues to grow, the importance of global agricultural trade will only increase. The Agreement on Agriculture Export Subsidies provides a solid foundation for a more sustainable and equitable future for all agricultural producers.